Monday, February 15, 2016

Hope Deferred Makes The Heart Sick

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12

This is a beautiful verse and is one that I feel is very applicable to my current season of life.  My mom shared this verse with me years ago and within the last two years it is a verse that I think of often.  We all have experienced disappointment in our lives and during this current season of my life, it feels like I'm getting extra doses of it!  Let's think about this verse in more depth.  

Hope deferred-When we experience our hopes being delayed, it can cause grief, hurt, anger, bitterness and sadness.   Hope is a very powerful emotion that creates anticipation and eagerness in our hearts, which can cause us to dream and plan.  Hope signifies joy and delight for the future, especially when we come close to our hope being realized.   I don't know if you do this, but when something I desire so strongly is delayed, I start to wonder if God will ever give me what I am wanting...why is He waiting so long?...What is He trying to teach me?...I'm a good person and make good choices.  All of these are normal thoughts and it is OKAY to ask these questions.  God knows our heart and our desires.  

Desire-Hope creates a great desire within us for whatever we are expecting and wanting; a new home, a new job, finding a husband, having a child, etc.   This desire can become so overwhelming and can take over our thoughts and every moment of our day.  We can become consumed by this desire and anticipation grows profoundly.  When this hope is not realized or is dashed, that is when the grief and despair make our hearts sick.  This grief should not be denied and is understandable.

 Tree of Life-With Christ, we are never without hope.  We have to continue living with the hope that the Glory of God will be revealed to us, in His perfect timing and must trust in His plans for our lives.  The tree of life in this verse represents the desire being is a sweet reward and provides satisfaction.  A fulfilled desire is a good, positive thing. 

During the waiting period, we must remember (or learn) to wait on the Lord and truly trust that He knows best.  While in the waiting, I think you will find that our true fulfillment of our hopes and desires will only be found in God.  I hope you find encouragement by reading this and I also pray that your hope is fulfilled in God's timing

xo, Jessica

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